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Ryans Progress
by Fat Media on 24 February 2010
The Ryan Stanford Appeal was set up on the 16th October 2009 in order to raise money to fund medical research into Alper's Syndrome primarily, however mitochondrial disease projects would also be considered as a second option.
We have now visited the lab at Newcastle, who played a major role in diagnosing Ryan as having Alper's, and they have advised us that they would be willing to carry out a research project specificially into Alper's Syndrome.
They have now suggested us following a slightly different course of project, being a three research project undertaken by a PhD student, overseen by the three key members of the team, and this would cost us £15,000 per year.
If we can raise over £10,000 by easter, we intend to "give the go-ahead" to Newcastle enabling them to begin their interview selection process and the project would begin this October!
The Appeal has come on in leaps and bounds since October last year, the appeal stands at over £8,200!
Thank you to everybody who has supported us so far! Please spread the word!