Posted in:
Ryans Progress
by Fat Media on 13 September 2011
The appeal has now reached just over £60,000 which is absolutely incredible and has gone far beyond our wildest dreams in the 23 months which the appeal has been running for.
There are far, far too many people to thank individually for all of their hard work, commitment and generosity. We are eternally grateful to you all.
We now have 653 fans worldwide on our appeal Facebook page - our appeal is supported by people in the United States, Norway, Canada, Spain, Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
The appeal has introduced us to such a wide spread of wonderful people, many of whom we hope to remain lifelong friends.
One year of Alpers research in now completed at the Mitochondrial Research Group at Newcastle University and this weekend, we look forward to presenting them with a further cheque for £8,000 for the second year of the "Fight Alpers" research project.
Online donations can be made to the appeal where one-off or regular monthly donations can be set up or you can even set up your own fundraising page for the appeal.
To all individuals, companies, advertisers............. - the appeal would not be where it is today without the support from all of you -thank you so much. We will hold your kindness in our hearts forever xx